The Power of Words and the Power of Silence

"Has everyone observed the right balance between words and silence? How is this subtle point present in our lives?"
03 Jan

We pronounce many words a day. We combine words to express ideas, feelings, situations. And do we reflect on the power these words will have upon others? We also realize that we need this state of silence, this moment of inner emptiness to touch something deeper and then give more quality to that which we have to express.

Has everyone observed the right balance between words and silence? How is this subtle point present in our lives?

Do we use speech as an instrument to create well-being for ourselves and others, or to promote states of control over others? Do we come to realize the impact of what we say? Do we consider a moment of inner silence before saying what we say, or does impulsiveness lead us time and again into disharmonious situations?

Human beings need to find a point of balance between what they process within and what they express outwardly. Without this balance, we inadvertently waste one of the greatest human potentials which is to build through words and mature through moments of internalization and silence. I approached this subject in the lecture "The Balance Between Silence and Words" and there you will be able to deepen into these reflections.