The Essence of Human Experience Through Dialogue

"Among other senses of the word, ‘dialogue’ can be seen as a mutual construction through words."
01 Jan

"Among other senses of the word, ‘dialogue’ can be seen as a mutual construction through words."

Nowadays, how many of us reflect and give due importance to each dialogue we establish with others?

We all feel an affinity with narratives of solidarity, equality of rights and fraternity, but in practice how do we build the path to realize these ideals of human life?

If we can observe ourselves for a moment, and see ourselves within a dialogue, are we really listening to others? Do we consider what we hear to be important? Is there coherence between our emotions and thoughts and what we say? Do we feel responsible for what we tell others?

When we are in a dialogue there are countless elements in expression, but which are generally not conscious, such as the gaze, body language, and gestures. Has the time come for each of us, as human beings, to be more responsible in this process?

Among other senses of the word, “dialogue” can be seen as a mutual construction through words. But do we give this depth to it or are our conversations empty of content and based on personal and often selfish interests?

These and other reflections can help us enter another level of dialogue and, for this, I invite you to watch the lecture  "Dialogues and Processes of True Listening of Others." I will continue to deepen into this topic and you are welcome to send me questions.